All Library Branches will be closed on Monday, January 20 for Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

All Library Branches will be closed on Monday, January 20 for Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Programs & Events

Engage, Connect, and Grow

From children’s dance events to genealogy discussion groups and everything in between, it’s easy to find something at the St. Joe County Public Library that sparks a connection.

Events for Adults, Teens, and Kids

Free Programs & Events for Adults, Teens, and Kids

Find Fun

Programs & Activities

Have an idea for a new event or program? Let us know!

1000 Books Before Kindergarten

Start your child on the path to success by reading 1,000 books!

Storytime, Babytime, & Playtime

Storytimes are a great way to foster a love of books and prepare your child for future learning success.

Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library

Dolly Parton’s book gifting program mails FREE, high-quality books to children from birth to age five.

Community Clubs

Whether you’re into books, crafts, games, or any other hobbies, there’s a club for you at our Library!

STEM Programs

STEM is for everyone! Learn about science, engineering, and math programs for all ages.

Indiana Early Literacy Firefly Award

Each year, Indiana librarians nominate five picture books that support early literacy, and children vote for the winner.

Unfold Magazine

Unfold is a quarterly magazine highlighting new events and activities at the Library.

Volunteer and Community Services Fair

Learn about local services and how you can make a difference in our community at our annual Volunteer and Community Services Fair.

Eerie Imaginings Writing Contest

Each fall, young writers are welcome to submit a terrifying tale to delight and fright readers of all ages.

Teen Think Tank

Teen Think Tank (T3) is a vibrant community of young minds that meet to brainstorm ideas for programs & experiences at the Library.

Fresh New Kicks Contest

Each winter, children and teens are invited to create their own shoe designs for the Library’s Fresh New Kicks contest.


Expose the littlest readers to the magic of storybooks, the power of curiosity, and the magic contained within the library!

Life in Michiana Photography Contest

Each fall, capture what makes our community great⁠ and submit your photographs to any library location.

Science Alive

Science Alive is a celebration of scientific discovery and fun!


Meet local authors, hear their compelling stories and see their latest books!

Spill the Ink Poetry Contest

Spill the Ink is an annual poetry contest for all ages. Each spring the community is encouraged to spill the ink and share their voice.

SJCPL Writes: A Literary Journal by the St. Joe County Public Library

SJCPL Writes is the official literary journal of the St. Joe County Public Library and is published annually. We seek to […]

Culturally Speaking

Discover the Journeys That Shape Stories Culturally Speaking is more than an author talk series—it’s a celebration of the storytellers behind […]

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