Francis Branch Hours Adjustment: Due to high temps and AC issues, Francis Branch will be open from 8am to Noon from September 10th to 21st. A permanent AC fix is coming later this month. Thank you for your patience!

Francis Branch Hours Adjustment: Due to high temps and AC issues, Francis Branch will be open from 8am to Noon from September 10th to 21st. A permanent AC fix is coming later this month. Thank you for your patience!

Indiana Library Federation Awards 2018

November 8, 2018 | By: Communications Staff

We are thrilled to announce that SJCPL is the recipient of three 2018 Indiana Library Federation awards:

SJCPL has been selected to receive the 2018 Indiana Library Federation (ILF) Programming Award. The award recognizes a library system that has successfully provided ongoing, innovative, and diverse programming designed to meet its community’s needs.

Mardy Grzegorek has been selected to receive the 2018 Indiana Library Federation (ILF) Outstanding Library Staff Award. Mardy is being recognized for her work as coordinator of our Friends of the Library book sales, which provide affordable resources for the community and whose proceeds support the library.

Sandy Francoeur has been selected to receive the first-ever ILF Read-Aloud Champion Award. Sandy presents storytimes and lapsits three days a week at the Francis branch, engaging children in stories and activities that build a love of reading at an early age.

Congratulations to all!

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