
Communications Staff
October 11, 2015

Be Kind, Stop Bullying

I recently read that 22% of students ages 12-18 were bullied during the 2012-2013 school year. Students who are bullied also tend […]

Communications Staff
June 25, 2015

Childhood Classics

With Summer Reading in full swing, my thoughts turn to my childhood experience checking out and reading books at my […]

Communications Staff
May 20, 2015

Happy Birthday, South Bend

Can you believe it, summer is nearly upon us and I have not even thought about all the things I […]

Communications Staff
April 27, 2015

Hot and New

One amazing perk of working in a library is finding out about upcoming  books and seeing the fresh, brand new books hit […]

Communications Staff
April 15, 2015

Celebrating Libraries!

 Since 1958,  a week in April is set aside to celebrate the wonders of libraries.  This week is appropriately called […]

Communications Staff
April 8, 2015

Go Take a Hike

As you have probably guessed by now, I am an advocate for getting outside. I believe that spending just a […]

Communications Staff
February 27, 2015


  Next week is March 2nd The birthday of Seuss, And our library has lots of Seuss-tivities for you! On […]

Communications Staff
February 9, 2015

Library 24/7

It’s 7:58 p.m. on a Monday and you finally decide to look at the research assignment you were assigned a […]

Communications Staff
September 29, 2014

Bring My Creativity Back

The struggle to find the perfect writing tool. Getting up to get a drink of water for the fifth time in […]

Communications Staff
November 7, 2013

JFK – Michiana Responds

Consider attending our upcoming program JFK: What Really Happened 50 Years Ago with presenter Jack Gordon. Read more about our […]

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